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AI in sports is taking the game to the next level

Vision-based innovations are revolutionizing the game for teams, coaches, athletes, and fans. Sports professionals on the field and in the back office rely on FiftyOne to boost data quality and model performance.

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Sports industry leaders rely on FiftyOne across their AI pipelines

Sports analytics & strategy

Injury prevention
& rehabilitation

AI referee assistance

Fan experience enhancement

Broadcast enhancement

Personalized fitness
& training

Win more matches

Visualize and analyze every jump, sprint, throw, and maneuver to gain an advantage over the competition

Improve player safety

Use data-centric AI to prevent potential injuries and improve protective gear and equipment

Revolutionize the game

Build AI-driven tools to revolutionize the game, both on and off the field, and bring people even closer to the sports they love

Sports workflows enabled by FiftyOne

Visualize, sort, and select the samples you need

Visualize in-game data from every angle and easily find a specific player, match, or any action you specify with FiftyOne.

Analyze and get actionable insights into your sports data

Use state of the art computer vision techniques to perform video analysis, determine player speed, acceleration, separation distance, and more. Track players during the game to find total distance traveled, figure out shot angles, and determine how to prevent injuries.

Continuously build models that perform

Use FiftyOne to evaluate several different models over several different datasets to find the highest performing ones for your needs and get an edge up on your competition.

Unlimited flexibility to capture every moment

Add as much visual data as you want, millions of samples, with as many labels and fields as you need. Use FiftyOne’s label features such as pose estimation, tracking, temporal events, and custom fields to capture every aspect of the game.

Explore sports use cases

See how computer vision and FiftyOne are changing the sports industry, including sports analytics applications, injury prevention, AI referee assistance, fan experience enhancement, and more!

Streamline your visual AI workflows

Supports all popular
computer vision tasks

> Classification
> Detection
> Instance segmentation
> Semantic segmentation
> Polygons and polylines
> Keypoints

> Point clouds and annotations
> Geolocation
> Embeddings
> Multiview datasets
> Image, video, and 3D data

Explore sports data in FiftyOne

Ready to try FiftyOne?

Instantly explore popular sports datasets in FiftyOne – including NFL impact detection dataset, SoccerNet-V3, and Football Player Segmentation – directly in your browser to evaluate firsthand where it fits into your AI stack.

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